
ZYZM Zipper Machine Manufacturer-One Stop Solution Service Provider for all kind of Zipper Making Machines.

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Zhenyu Nylon Zipper Machines Exported to Bangladesh


Not long ago,the new customer from Bangladesh came to our Zhenyu zipper machine factory. After visiting our factory, the customer decided to order a series of machines for nylon closed-end zipper.The finished machines are shipped today.

ZY-103N-E: Full-auto nylon gapping, stripping and bottom stop machine
ZY-705N: Full-auto nylon slider mounting machine
ZY-406N: Full-auto nylon top stop pressing machine
ZY-708-A2: Full-auto air-operated zig zag cutting machine

Every order is a trust from our customers.Zhenyu will constantly advance forward based on technologies. And we will continue to focus on innovation and bring high-quality products to all customers.

Welcome to contact us for zipper machines.

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