Zhenyu Zipper Machines Co.,Ltd has some items under our own brand name in order to add value. For these parts of zipper machine , we are responsible for everything including the production and development, supply chain, delivery and marketing. Our company is a noteworthy concern engaged in the production of world-class products and provide customized service. Our uncompromising attitude towards producing the highest quality products for our customers has helped us in building a strong foothold in the domestic as well as global markets.

Zipper Machine has been engaging in domestic and international trade of metal zipper ironing and lacquering machine for years. We are good at designing and manufacturing products. The plastic injection molding machine series is widely praised by customers. What Zhenyu has been stressing also includes the design of plastic punching machine. When speaking of metal zipper machine, it is known as high quality.

Zhenyu grows up with your trust. Contact us!