
ZYZM Zipper Machine Manufacturer-One Stop Solution Service Provider for all kind of Zipper Making Machines.

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India Clients Visiting


Even the trade war between USA and China had been starting several months, and i believe all the coutries under " one belt one road" 

they would have more and more cooporations nowdays. Like the trade between China and India is always moving on mutually and smoothly.

Mr Abbas with his technician had come to China with the purpose of looking for more cooporatation with Chinese Enterprises. 

After visiting our zipper machines in factory ZYZM and meet our boss MR Gu, he show great interst on doing business with us , a professional zipper machines manufacturer with more than 28 years experience. Zipper machines from ZYZM can fullfill their higher level requirement on garment zippers. 

We believe we would have a greater and deeper cooporatation in soon future. 

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