ZYZM Zipper Machine Manufacturer-One Stop Solution Service Provider for all kind of Zipper Making Machines.

Any ZYZM Zip Making Machine offices in other countries?
With a base in China, Zhenyu Zipper Machines Co.,Ltd has expanded the business globe-wide. We have been a long-run partner to many clients who locate themselves mainly in Europe, America, and the Middle East. We have distributors worldwide. They are of great importance to us because very year their combined sales make up around 30 percent of the total figure. We are also constructing our own offices which would be our channels to expand the overseas market. The first targets may be the places where we have clients and distributors who are eager to have a “leader” to gather them together.
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ZYZM is a powerful company which enjoys high reputation in plastic film sealing machine industry. ZYZM Zip Making Machine's zipper cutting machine series include multiple types. ZYZM metal zipper ironing and lacquering machine is manufactured in an exquisite manner. Especially the circuit fabrication, including the main electric circuit, control circuit, and signal circuit, is done under cutting-edge technologies. The offered product is highly demanded among customers for its outstanding features.
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We bring corporate citizenship and social responsibility into everything we do. For our customers, we are focused on adapting to changing market environments to bring innovation and insight that allows them to protect, grow, and empower their businesses.

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